Make the world better

January 1, 1970

Continuing with my theme to “Make the World Better” here are 3 Simple Ways we can all serve others to make the world better in 2025.

1. Share Your Skills with Those in Need

Everyone has unique talents and abilities, whether it’s cooking, tutoring, fixing things, or offering professional expertise. Sharing these skills with others can have a profound impact.

Volunteer at local community centers or organizations that would benefit with your skill set. Offer free workshops or one-on-one sessions for underserved youth. Join platforms like Thirty2give Virtual Mentoring ( download from Apple App Store or Google Playstore) that connect professionals with people in need of mentoring. 

2. Build Bridges in Your Community

Fostering connections with others in your community to strengthen the social fabric and create a more inclusive, understanding environment. Unconsciously we put people in stereotypical boxes because we don’t know them. Make an effort this year to get to know someone different than you. Try organizing a neighborhood clean-ups, participate in a potlucks or other community events that bring people together. Look for a program that promotes cultural exchanges or dialogues between different groups.

3. Commit to Practicing Active Generosity Every Day  

Small acts of kindness can create a domino effect, inspiring others to give back. The next time you visit a Starbucks, carry out a random act of kindness by give the cashier $20 above your bill tell them that you’d like to buy the person behind you a cup of coffee, but explain that they can choose to replicate the good deed and buy the person behind them a cup of coffee. Watch how far the good deed will travel.  Donate regularly to causes you believe in, whether it’s money, clothes, food, or time. Start a “kindness jar” at home or work, encouraging everyone to contribute ideas or actions that spread goodwill.   

Here’s the bottom line: Making the world better doesn’t require grand gestures or monumental efforts. It’s about showing up for others in meaningful ways, fostering connections, and practicing kindness. In 2025, let’s collectively commit to serving others and creating a world filled with compassion and understanding. What will you do today to make a difference?

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