Mark Jackson

January 1, 1970

As a member of my undergraduate university’s College of Business Advisory Board, I was asked to lead the effort to identify an effective tool for student mentoring. The focus was to find a tool that was consistent with how students both interacted and communicated in their daily relationships and would integrate into our alumni mentor program structure. While our search for the right tool surveyed several solutions, we finally settled on Thirty2gives’ unique approach and App.

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Think about, your potential is unlimited right up to the point that you, not others, place a limit on it. I once served as a counselor to a group of middle school kids that were struggling academically.  One day I held a mock funeral in front of the group. I opened a card board box that had

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November 28, 2024
Podcast – Introducing Thirty2give B2C

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June 17, 2021
Calling vs a Vocation

When I was 12 years old, I discovered that I liked electricity. Not from the perspective of playing with it like a toy, but I had a insatiable curiosity with electrons. I read everything I could get my hands on. I took most of the electrical appliances in our house apart just to see how they

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